After going through all the JD songs again and loving Ian's voice and words ,then listening to Bernard's lengthier journey with NO, Electronic , and BL, while sober ,and not high for the first time in 40 years, i have to say that Bernard is the best singer and songwriter i have ever heard . Mostly a creator lof fabulous love songs,always with great music , he is the best Supergiant of music of all time ,obviously among others,but standing taller. Great music is almost constant , with only ccasional songs that are not perfectly spectacular.
I may revisit everything with nitrous oxide,cognac, psilocybin,lsd, and pills, cocaine , mescaline and mitichlorians to make sure ,though .But for now
his treasure trove of love songs are superlative, but songs about space travel, galaxies, cars ,trains,ships ,sex machines , toys, dinosaurs, robots, giants, monsters and anything else like ice cream and cookies would likely be very excellent too.
And yes it fun to point out his goofiness from time to time , but the world should realize that cole porters and bob dylans and p mcCartneys come and go,but Bernard is eternal, a super nova /big bang of the 20th century, and likely of the 21st century, although some music this century is pretty good . I see him very close to God in paradise,when the woodbine twineth ,perhaps by a waterfall where lions and tigers and porpoises and bunnies hop over each other all day long ,and though i may be way down by the sewage treatment plant a few hundred miles away ,i know i will be happy if i have all the songs.
And one more contractual album of sensational songs would be terrific ,too